<Winning Topics For Your Grade English Essay

Get Inspiration to Write A Grade English Essays From These Topics 

English essays are categorized into multiple types that depend on the message being driven home. The topics can be in the form of a question or can address the reader directly. Whenever you’re writing English essays, you must answer the question comprehensively, giving the reader punchy information on everything they need to know.

There are so many subjects to address when writing English essays. You can write about the mind, body image, new technology, news, school media, school life, business, entertainment, criminal justice, body piercing, and criminal justice. Below are some essay topics you can use for inspiration to make your papers exceptional.

  1. Does online learning really work?
  2. How to effectively quarantine while keeping in close touch with friends?
  3. Is it essential to wear a mask when not in your house?
  4. How has COVID-19 changed the learning process?
  5. The most effective ways to stay safe from Coronavirus?
  6. Best ways for women to boost their body image
  7. Do romantic movies have any impact on relationships?
  8. Are body image problems common with young men?
  9. Do satire and comedy news really inform?
  10. Is fact-checking speeches worth it?
  11. Is the modern news coverage too low?
  12. Is there any time newspapers will be completely digital or go out of business?
  13. What role do news reporters play in the modern digital era?
  14. How does marijuana affect the human brain?
  15. Does race play any role in the identification of Americans? 
  16. Does the internet affect our intelligence in any way?
  17. Is there a way we can help alcoholic friends?
  18. Will 3D printing really change our lives?
  19. The implications and effects of Cell Atlas 
  20. Will computers ever become intelligent?
  21. Is a PC better than Mac?
  22. The positive impact of 360-degree selfie cameras in memory sharing 
  23. How are self-driving trucks, and what are some of the benefits?
  24. Will social media sites have any benefits in the learning sector?
  25. How can parents deal with child bullying in different social media sites?
  26. How is technology making us less attentive?
  27. Texting while driving should be illegalized, and this is why
  28. Can you create lasting relationships through online dating sites, or they’re just a scam?
  29. Should we judge people based on their social media posting?
  30. The most effective ways to concentrate when studying 
  31. Are there aspects that make any dating experience better and more successful?
  32. The most effective way to ask your date to a prom 
  33. Reasons junk food is considered very addictive
  34. Should you drink bottled water or it’s entirely a wrong idea 
  35. Is your local coffee joint better than Starbucks?
  36. Does homework help improve the learning and success of learners?
  37. How do modern learning settings compare with traditional settings?
  38. Is it worth it for schools to switch to eBooks?
  39. Is it necessary for businesses to hire mentally and physically disabled employees?
  40. Does lack of sleep affect us in any way?
  41. Are there any benefits to internet medical data?
  42. The scariest horror movie you should know 
  43. Do parents need to allow children to engage in sports?
  44. Does the idea of interracial marriage make sense?
  45. The real value of family vacations 
  46. Can living with a loved one before marriage make the marriage more successful?